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Prostate cancer leaves many men with impaired sexual health

Prostate cancer can be one of the most devastating things that happens to a man. The disease affects more males worldwide than any other type of cancer aside from lung cancer. When it is caught early, it can be relatively survivable. However, some [...]

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Baldness medication may cause erectile dysfunction

There are two problems no man wants to encounter in his lifetime: baldness and erectile dysfunction. However, the findings of a new study suggest that treating one of these issues may increase one’s risk of developing the other. Researchers from the Hospital Aleman in [...]

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Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction that All Men Should Know

The failure to have sex by way of a full erection is generally termed erectile dysfunction. It may be inborn or circumstantial; with time there are very many organic diseases that promote its generation and known remedies have been found too, to some extend.   Symptoms [...]

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Companies make exaggerated ED treatment claims

Men who are seeking a solution to their erectile dysfunction may need to stay vigilant against bogus claims. There are many products out there that say they can cure the problem, when in fact they are often ineffective. For example, the makers of POM [...]

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Study finds that doctors should talk to their patients about erectile dysfunction

More effective cancer treatments have made it possible for doctors to greatly improve the survivability of the disease. However, the drugs used in these treatments may have side effects that significantly interfere with a man’s sexual performance and may even cause erectile dysfunction. Recently, [...]

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ED drugs may be ineffective for many men

Many men who are taking ED drugs to enhance their sexual performance may be wasting their money. A new study from British researchers has found that the medications may only work for fewer than 50 percent of the men who take them. The findings [...]

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Expert: Number of men with low testosterone levels is larger than previously thought

While most people consider menopause to be a problem that only effects females, experts say that many men suffer from similar hormone deficiencies as they grow older, Unfortunately, this can increase their chances of suffering from erectile dysfunction. In fact, a urologist at Northwestern [...]

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Experts call for sexual health to be made a larger part of routine care

Doctors should routinely ask their patients if they are having any sexual performance problems during physical examination, according to a UK-based men’s health specialist. Dr. Geoff Hackett of the Good Hope Hospital in Birmingham said that problems like erectile dysfunction can be early symptoms [...]

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Medications may interfere with men’s sexual performance

While most people consider menopause to be a problem that only effects females, experts say that many men suffer from similar hormone deficiencies as they grow older, Unfortunately, this can increase their chances of suffering from erectile dysfunction. In fact, a urologist at Northwestern [...]

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Erectile Dysfunction Lower In Men Who Have Intercourse More Often

ScienceDaily–Having intercourse more often may help prevent the development of erectile dysfunction (ED). A new study reports that researchers have found that men who had intercourse more often were less likely to develop ED.                         Analyzing a five-year study [...]

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